Solid wood frame, fabric twine
Higher postage to be added when delivered . These products are Made to order and take around 8 -12 Approx. weeks from order. It is subject to higher posting which will be added when weighed and collected . Once ordered it cannot be cancelled/refunded within Terms and condition of made to order products guidelines and the Law.
Please email for pro forma to and we will email with all details as soon as order is place we will confirm time as eating list 8 approx weeks from order is placed as we have waiting list. These products are made to order and take around 8-12 as have a waiting list . weeks from order. Once ordered can not be cancelled/refunded within terms and conditions of made to order products guidelines and the law. No order will be taken during SEP- DEC as have a waiting of 12 weeks - These will not be delivered until JAN if ordered during these Period's